
NOTE: The Kebab House is now closed, but there's another Persian place, Azar Restaurant, at 1540 St. Laurent. If you decide to try it, let Freddie know how it shapes up. The phone number is 244-3892.

KABAB HOUSE - 21 Hawthorne Av. - 235-3130

Is there an Iranian restaurant in town.

I don't know of any Iranian restaurants but I do know of a Persian restaurant.

It is called Kabab House and is located on Pretoria street. Good food and I do believe they will provide you with Hallal meats if requested.

   Date: Sun Oct 25 19:48:30 1998
   From: as370@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Seline Herz-Fischler)

That's the one I would have suggested, for the cuisine anyway. The ambiance, unless the place has been renovated since I was there a while ago (about 1 1/2 years) is nothing special and rather plain at best, but the food we tried was very good.

We went in the summer and at the time the restaurant didn't have the benefit of air conditioning and the serving people neglected to even have the ceiling fans on. However, the heat in the place was probably quite representative of the country of origin of the cuisine. :-)

   Date: Mon Oct 26 13:05:14 1998
   From: bu932@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Jim Roy)